Healthy pancakes for Dad

It’s fathers day today! And what better way to show Dad how much he means to you than to make him pancakes for breakfast.

This year, his gut will thank me too…

I present to you Oat Pancakes.

Oat Pancakes
Per person you will need:
1 cup oat flour*
1 cup milk of choice (or water)
1 egg
2 tsp baking soda

Mix well.

Fry in a small amount of grass-fed butter or fat of choice.

Remember, 90% of the cooking happens on the first side. Pancakes are ready to be flipped when bubbles have formed and popped forming indents on the batter surface.

Top with fresh fruits, nut butters and honey!

*I made my own oat flour by filling my food processor with rolled oats and processing on high until they formed a gritty looking flour (similar to whole-wheat flour)

Some fun facts about oats…

Oats are low GI, keeping you fuller for longer and preventing frequent snacking throughout the morning.

They are high fibre, keeping your digestive system in check.

More specifically they contain a special type of fibre called beta-glucan which has been attributed to lowering cholesterol levels and thereby decreasing the risk of developing heart disease.

Although oats have some gluten they are generally well tolerated by coeliacs and the gluten intolerant and are a great alternative to wheaten cereals. In Australia oats are not considered to be gluten-free but there is some contention as to whether their supposed gluten content is mostly due to contamination from other gluten-containing crops either during harvesting or processing. If you do suffer from coeliac disease I suggest speaking to a health professional before reintroducing oats into your diet.

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